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Prompts are specialized React components for handling process.stdin input. All components can be imported from @boost/cli/react.


The Confirm component provides a binary choice through the input of a single character. On submission, either a true or false value will be passed.

import { Confirm } from '@boost/cli';

<Confirm label="Do you want to continue?" onSubmit={handleSubmit} />;

Confirm example


The HiddenInput component is a specialized Input that accepts user input, hides it from the console, and returns the entered string on submission.

import { HiddenInput } from '@boost/cli';

<HiddenInput label="What is your secret key?" placeholder="<key>" onSubmit={handleSubmit} />;

Hidden input example


  • Inherits all the same keyboard controls as Input.


The Input component is a simple text prompt that takes user input and returns a string. Supports standard typing, backspacing. On submission, the final string will be trimmed of whitespace.

import { Input } from '@boost/cli';

label="What is your name?"

Input example


  • , - Move cursor to the beginning or end of the entered text.
  • , - Move cursor forward or backward 1 character.
  • delete, backspace - Remove the previous character at the current cursor position.
  • return - Submit the currently entered text.


The MultiSelect component works in a similar fashion to Select, but allows for multiple values to be selected before submission.

import { MultiSelect } from '@boost/cli';

label="What is your favorite fruits?"
{ label: '🍎 Apple', value: 'apple' },
{ label: '🍌 Banana', value: 'banana' },
{ label: '🥥 Coconut', value: 'coconut' },
{ label: '🍇 Grapes', value: 'grapes' },
{ label: '🥝 Kiwi', value: 'kiwi' },
{ label: '🍋 Lemon', value: 'lemon' },
{ label: '🍈 Melon', value: 'melon' },
{ label: '🍊 Orange', value: 'orange' },
{ label: '🍑 Peach', value: 'peach' },
{ label: '🍐 Pear', value: 'pear' },
{ label: '🍍 Pineapple', value: 'pineapple' },
{ label: '🍓 Strawberry', value: 'strawberry' },
{ label: '🍉 Watermelon', value: 'watermelon' },

Multiple select example


  • , - Move forward or backward through options in the list.
  • , - Move to the beginning or end of the list.
  • space - Select or unselect the currently highlighted option.
  • return - Submit the currently selected options.


The PasswordInput component is a specialized Input that masks user input and replaces each character with a star (*).

import { PasswordInput } from '@boost/cli';

<PasswordInput label="What is your password?" placeholder="<pass>" onSubmit={handleSubmit} />;

Password input example


  • Inherits all the same keyboard controls as Input.


The Select component allows a value to be selected from a pre-defined list of options. Supports standard keyboard navigation. To select or unselect a value, press the space bar, or on submission, the currently highlighted option will be chosen.

import { Select } from '@boost/cli';

label="What is your favorite fruit?"

Select example

Options can also be customized with objects, allowing a more unique label to be provided. Options can also be grouped by inserting divider only options.

import { Select } from '@boost/cli';

label="What is your favorite fruit?"
{ label: '🍎 Apple', value: 'apple' },
{ label: '🍌 Banana', value: 'banana' },
{ label: '🥥 Coconut', value: 'coconut' },
{ label: '🍇 Grapes', value: 'grapes' },
{ label: '🥝 Kiwi', value: 'kiwi' },
{ label: '🍋 Lemon', value: 'lemon' },
{ label: '🍈 Melon', value: 'melon' },
{ label: '🍊 Orange', value: 'orange' },
{ label: '🍑 Peach', value: 'peach' },
{ label: '🍐 Pear', value: 'pear' },
{ label: '🍍 Pineapple', value: 'pineapple' },
{ label: '🍓 Strawberry', value: 'strawberry' },
{ label: '🍉 Watermelon', value: 'watermelon' },

Select with labels example


  • , - Move forward or backward through options in the list.
  • , - Move to the beginning or end of the list.
  • space - Select or unselect the currently highlighted option.
  • return - Submit the currently selected option, or the currently highlighted option if none are selected.


If you would like to use prompts outside of React components and within the command space, sadly, there is no built-in Boost solution. However, you can easily use a third-party solution like enquirer. Just be sure to set stdin and stdout streams correctly!

import { prompt } from 'enquirer';
import { Command } from '@boost/cli';

export default class InitCommand extends Command {
async run() {
const { stdin, stdout } = this.getProgram().streams;

const { username } = await prompt({
type: 'input',
name: 'username',
message: 'What is your username?',