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Boost provides the following components for use within your programs. All components can be imported from @boost/cli/react.

The Header component is simply that, a header! It renders an inverted background, with bold and uppercased text, and appropriate margins. It's what the help and failure menus use to separate and denote sections.

import { Header } from '@boost/cli';

<Header label="About" />;


The Help component can be used to render elegant command usage and help menus. It's a very complex component that supports everything from command metadata to variadic params, all through the following props (all optional).

import { Help } from '@boost/cli';

config={{ description: 'This is a very cool program', deprecated: true }}
description: 'Name',
type: 'string',


The Failure component can be used to render a beautiful failure menu, for an error and its stack trace. The error prop must be provided with an Error instance.

import { Failure } from '@boost/cli';

<Failure error={new Error('Something is broken!')} />;


The Style component is special in that it renders and applies colors based on the chosen theme. It accomplishes this through the type prop, which accepts one of the theme palette names.

import { Style } from '@boost/cli';

<Style type="success">Downloaded 123 packages</Style>;

Furthermore, it also supports text styling similar to Ink's Text component. This uses chalk under the hood.

<Style bold type="failure">
Failed to download packages

It's highly encouraged to use this component for all color based styling, so that consumers can always use their chosen theme!